About Me

Hello my name is Alexander Leino I use he/him pronouns. I recently graudated from Trilogy's Michigan State University's Full Stack coding bootcamp. I currently live in Michigan and I am willing to relocate, but would prefer a remote role over relocating. I love learning about new coding languages and tinkering on my own mini projects!


Front End

  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap
  • jQuery
  • React.js

Back End

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL


  • Trilogy Bootcamp Certificate Recipient
  • Achieved Bachelors in Finance from Western Michigan University
  • i-Lead Award Recipient PNC 2021
in app picture displaying a movie and a recipe

We wanted to solve two dilemmas that every couple have on a regular basis What are we going to eat? What are we going to Watch? These two problems can be solved in as few as five clicks!!


in app picture displaying a movie and a recipe

Built a simple card game black jack which has a user interface that displays the cards and keeps track of how much the user is betting each hand.

Only Plants

in app picture displaying a movie and a recipe

This was my bootcamps teams 2nd project where the focus was creating an app where individuals can create posts, create an account and sign in using the npm bycrpt to authinicate the user.

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